Job Readiness Program and Benefit Highlights

Our goal is to get students ready to become highly qualified employees at top-tier corporations when they graduate from our program. In addition to same-day pay, they will also benefit from our quarterly seminars where they learn about money management from industry professionals and how to properly invest. Culturatti Kids gain guidance from mentors on sales, how to handle rejection, and how to build a strong work ethic as well as soft people skills.

Sales Associates

Raising funds for the public schools and the nonprofits organizations we sponsor.

Team Managers

This position is awarded to students who have graduated from the position of Sales Associates after two full years.

Creating tomorrow's leaders

Program Requirements for Students?

Our student sales associates have daily, weekly, monthly, and annual fundraising goals. Students who remain in good standing with Culturatti Kids for four (4) years receive a full four (4)-year scholarship to a state school of their choice, and one (1) free tutoring session per week in any academic area of struggle. In order to qualify, each student must:

○ Maintain a B average
○ Maintain acceptable school and work attendance
○ Maintain their weekly sales goals
○ Attend all business training & professional development workshops